Hiroshiman Youth Action for a Nuclear-Free World
The success of 2017 Nobel Peace Prize winner ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), their visits to Hiroshima, a powerful message from Setsuko Thurlow... Young people who directly felt the global momentum toward nuclear disarmament gathered, saying, "We must take action now."
What is Kakuwaka Hiroshima?
Kakuwaka meet with Parliamentarians and ask their thoughts on our government’s stance. Through our actions, we aim to raise public awareness on nuclear issues and contribute to the total abolition of nuclear weapons.
Get to know us
Meet the Parliamentarians
Kakuwaka asks Parliament members elected in Hiroshima, or with ties to Hiroshima, whether they support or oppose the TPNW and why.
Message from Kakuwaka
This year marks 77 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hibakusha, a-bomb survivors, have continued to speak out in the midst of their own suffering. We, the younger generation, who have heard their voices in person, will continue to act together for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
We rise because Japan, the only country to have suffered the wartime use of nuclear weapons, has a duty to join the treaty.
We rise because the underlying motivation here is not security or diplomacy, but greed and personal gain for the few.
We rise because we know the ultimate evil of nuclear weapons will be the inheritance of the next generation if we do nothing.
We are a generation that has not known a world without nuclear weapons. We will not rely on the old way, but instead move forward to a future where the dignity and human rights for all are valued and respected.
Join us! Let’s make a world without nuclear weapons!
Kakuwaka Hiroshima